A few weeks before food pick-up days, the food bank indicates which food items are most needed. This information is then shared on our website, social media, and e-mail updates to our donors.
Below is a general list of items that are most requested at the food bank.
Canned: tuna, vegetables, fruit, soup, beans, chili, juices, tomato sauce, ready-to-eat meals, meat
Jars: peanut butter, pasta sauce, jelly
Bag: rice, sugar, flour
Box/Dry: cereal, oatmeal, mac & cheese, pasta, boxed milk
The need is always focused on food shortages, however there are special request items made before each pick-up. Special request items are EXTRA items to add to your bag should you choose. These requests vary according to season and need (ex. holiday foods, child-friendly foods, nutrition drinks for seniors, etc.).
Please check back about two weeks before the next scheduled pick-up to find out what are the current food shortages!
