Happy Spring! Our next pickup day is quickly approaching -- our drivers will be stopping by to pick up your filled red bag on Saturday, APRIL 9th, so please mark your calendars.
CURRENT FOOD NEEDS: Granola bars, chili, meals-in-a-can, soups (no cream soups), mac n' cheese, cereal, rice-a-roni. You may also refer to the foods listed on the tag attached to your red bag for other items.
(Please note, the food bank currently has an abundance of the following, and does NOT NEED: Beans, baking products, tomato products.)
SPECIAL REQUEST: **Please remember these are EXTRA items to add to your bag should you choose.** Paper towels, toilet paper, toothbrushes, laundry detergent.
As usual, the following are some important details about our upcoming pick up:
If you will be missing Saturday, April 9th's pick up, please be sure to email us to let us know so we do not needlessly stop by your home. If you've already notified us via email, you do not need to notify us again.
If you prefer to drop your bag off directly to The Salvation Army (TSA) food bank instead of having us pick it up on April 9th, feel free to do so, but please email us to let us know you will not need pickup at your home. This does not apply to those donors who have "Drop Off Status," as confirmed by A Simple Gesture.
