Our drivers will be stopping by to collect your filled red bag on Saturday, AUGUST 13th, so please mark your calendars.
Milk--any type
Peanut Butter
Breakfast Bars
Canned Meats
Assorted Soups--other than cream or chicken noodle
Baked Beans
Coffee--single servings other than Keurig style
Hot Chocolate--single serving packets
SPECIAL REQUEST: **These are EXTRA items to add to your bag should you choose.** Once again, we're collecting items for ASG's Summer Food Bags program:
Cereal--lower sugar such as Cheerios, Rice Crispies, etc.,
Peanut Butter
Jelly/Jam (plastic jars preferred)
Canned Tuna
Canned Chicken
ASG Summer Food Bags is a program in partnership with Food To Go. We provide weekly supplemental bags of food to local kids who experience food insecurity during the summer break. Each bag includes both fresh fruit and vegetables, canned and boxed items, as well as breakfast and lunch options. August's "special request" items will be used to fill bags through the remainder of the summer break.
As usual, the following are some important details about our upcoming pick up:
If you will be missing Saturday, August 13th's pick-up, please be sure to email us to let us know so we do not needlessly stop by your home. If you've already notified us via email, you do not need to notify us again.
If you prefer to drop your bag off directly to The Salvation Army (TSA) food bank instead of having us pick it up on August 13th, feel free to do so, but please email us to let us know you will not need pick-up at your home. This does not apply to those donors who have "Drop Off Status," as confirmed by A Simple Gesture.
While we prefer to receive red bags filled with food, we still gratefully accept monetary donations via either our ASG Square site or check, payable to A Simple Gesture - Anacortes, mailed to P.O. Box 1413, Anacortes, WA 98221.
As always, we are grateful for all you do! Please let us know if you have any questions.
