Our drivers will be stopping by to pick up your filled red bag on Saturday, DECEMBER 11th, so please mark your calendars.
CURRENT FOOD NEEDS: Jelly/jam, Ensure-type drinks, apple/cranberry juice, 1-2lb white rice, 5lb or smaller of flour and sugar, cooking oil, canned raviolis/spaghetti-o (meals in a can), Spam, graham crackers, single use coffee packets (NOT K-cup)/instant coffee, juice boxes, and milk boxes (non-refrigerated). Also needed are the following holiday foods: cranberries, stuffing, chicken broth, gravy, jello, pumpkin pie filling, evaporated milk, and fruit cocktail. Turkeys and hams are also very much appreciated, but should be dropped off directly at the food bank during their business hours (details below).
(Please note, the food bank currently has an abundance of the following, and does NOT NEED: Canned beans, chili, canned chicken, tuna, fruit, tomato products.)
SPECIAL REQUEST: **Please remember these are EXTRA items to add to your bag should you choose. Otherwise, please focus on food needs.** Personal Hygiene items, specifically regular sized shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, and razors.
As usual, the following are some important details about our upcoming pick up:
If you will be missing Saturday, December 11th's pick up, please be sure to email us to let us know so we do not needlessly stop by your home. If you've already notified us and received a confirmation back, you do not need to notify us again.
Please use your reusable ASG red bag. If you dropped off last time and didn't grab a replacement bag at the food bank office, feel free to use another type of bag, but please clearly mark it with "ASG" so our drivers know it's okay to take from your porch!
If you prefer to drop your bag off directly to The Salvation Army (TSA) food bank instead of having us pick it up on December 11th, feel free to do so, but please email us to let us know you will not need pickup at your home. Located at 3001 R Avenue, following are TSA's current drop off hours:
Mondays and Wednesdays 9am - Noon: Drop off at cart outside of front office.
Mondays and Wednesdays 1pm - 4pm: Drop off at the back of their building at warehouse entrance.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-4pm (closed 12-1pm for lunch): Drop off at cart outside of front office.
Replacement red bags for next time are available just inside TSA's office door in their lobby. If you drop off on Monday or Wednesday afternoons, their front office will be closed (no cart out front), so please drive around to the back of their building to their food warehouse door. There will be food bank staff there during those times to accept your bag. Please do not leave a bag out front if the cart is not outside.
While we prefer to receive red bags filled with food, as that's what ASG is best organized to do, we still gratefully accept monetary donations via either our Square website at https://a-simple-gesture-anacortes.square.site or check, payable to A Simple Gesture - Anacortes, mailed to P.O. Box 1413, Anacortes, WA 98221.
Please let us know if you have any questions!
